Bus timings & pickup location to the race location

Details on Bus pick up

To all runners, if you paid for bus transportation, you are required to be at the bus pick up location at given time below.


To all runners of Challenger & Elite, if you paid for bus transportation, you are required to be at the bus pick up location from 5:30 am till 5:50 am.
BUS departure schedule from Port Vila = 5:50 am sharp

To all runners of Family, if you paid for bus transportation, you are required to be at the bus pick up location from 6:30 am till 6:50 am.
BUS departure schedule from Port Vila = 6:50 am sharp

Location : Petanque court – between AJC and Paris Shopping.

🏃‍♂️‍➡️ Participants to the Challenger & Elite courses are expected at the starting site at 7:00 am at Top Rock – Saama (45 km, 1 hour from Port-Vila).

🏃‍♂️‍➡️ Participants to the Family course are expected at the starting site at 8:00 am at Top Rock – Saama (45 km, 1 hour from Port-Vila).

Each buses will be numbered.

A list of runners who have requested and paid for the bus will be printed – runners/team will be assigned to a bus accordingly.

The buses will begin transporting runners to the race location at 5:50 am.
We will be on time with all Departures, so we highly recommend that you start arranging your transportations to the pick up location in town.

In other notes, we recommend that you prepare all your carry on for the trail the night before the trail.

Below map shows the direction from the pick up location to race location.